Saturday 20 May 2017

Dare To Be Yourself

Dare to be yourself, your real self, spirit soul self and human self. Being spiritual is being real. Part of our human experience is being flawed, allow your flaws to show. Not one of us is perfect, we are perfectly imperfect. This is perfect in Gods eyes so we should see this and ourselves this through his eyes; through the eyes of Love.

Allow yourself the moments of doubt and negativity as much as the moments of assurity and positivity. As I transition yet again I have been having my moments of doubt and confusion as I'm ascending to new heights, of basically feeling tired and pissed off. My journey seems to be on speed right now. I know it is all for my higher good and the good of others as I work through service and Love and I'm excited and feeling free as I break through old conditioning beliefs yet the amount of f€@r I've had sent in my direction from others through taking my own steps and walking my own path has been enormous. I remind myself, as I shield myself and transmute their pain as it is released, that this is their pain and conditioning and in time my steps will help them.

Then I have a moment of release and reaction and I'm hard on myself. I work on forgiveness, it's easy for me to forgive others, the challenge is forgiving myself. Then as I sit I see clearly; in forgiving myself these human imperfections I am in fact forgiving the whole human race. This is true forgiveness. You see. We are one. If you don't forgive yourself you in truth don't forgive anyone.


Tuesday 31 January 2017

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer...
Yesterday morning I heard of the passing of a beautiful soul. Father Tom a local priest, my favourite priest, passed away. He was a funny, open and loving man and touched many people. We always hugged when i met him. I stopped to pray and asked for him to give my Mam a huge hug and for my Mam to give him a huge hug and thanks and love from me. I cried and I prayed. Then as I meditated and prayed before sleep it lead to a beautiful sleep time encounter....
I seen Fr. Tom on his journey home surrounded by so many souls and beautiful energy. I heard my Mams voice call out to him and as he turned around to her I seen her too and they embraced. They hugged. Tears came, tears of joy, tears of the heart. I felt how they felt, those who pass on, on that journey home. I felt how those feel on welcoming sisters and brothers home; it was a feeling I can't find human words for but is definitely connected with the utmost love, joy and bliss.

This is a part of the power of prayer and meditation!

Pray and meditate!

Pray. Pray for help. Pray when you feel lost. Pray on a thought. Pray for those who are sick. Pray when you pass someone on the street. Pray when you are happy. Pray for guidance. Pray to know. Pray to hear. Pray to feel. Pray when you feel Love.

Meditate. Meditate when you have time. Meditate more when you have no time. Meditate when you are uncomfortable. Meditate when you are in pain. Meditate for no mind. Meditate for no reason. Meditate for reason. Meditate for peace. Meditate to hear answers to your prayers. Meditate on Love.

There's no right or wrong way.
Just pray.
Just Be
Just see.

In Love, Light & so much Gratitude. Namaste