Friday 22 January 2016

An immaterial girl in a very material world

So I started the year off in Dubai.  It seems like a lifetime ago on one hand and the blink of an eye on the other!  I didn’t realise of course that I was about to step onto a short emotional rollercoaster.  I took the job primarily (like so many others) due to the lure of some financial security, which I craved due to the unsecure financial world that is our beautiful yoga or any alternative and artistic avenue.

This place is out of this world, like everywhere there is yin and yang, good and bad.  Blue skies and constant sun shine every day works, it’s sooooo safe; don’t think I’ve ever experienced a safer place as of yet, my studio apartment is very ‘Carrie, Sex in the City’ only I have more or a kitchen than she did, thankfully, as I actually use it to cook in not store my clothes haha still love that program!  I’m a five minute walk to everywhere I need to get to, work, the mall, a supermarket and coffee house, mind you that could be ten to fifteen minutes if you’re left waiting on the lift or get stuck waiting on the traffic lights to change to get pedestrian crossing, they definitely need to work on that! BUT otherwise the place is simply soulless to me!

I felt my own soul literally cry out not to be there, it happened in the blink of an eye when a conversation with the yoga studio shook me and woke me up. The terms of my teaching were suddenly changing and they wanted to direct me to teach their way as in a more physical practice making it harder and stronger, more aerobic than yoga and this isn’t me, it’s not where I am, what I believe and what I do. This could work out very well for someone else of course but not for me and I simply wasn’t willing to sell my soul.  So I said NO!  Not once but a few times.  This led to a bigger issue of course so my ‘plan’ for the year ahead at least was being thrown into complete disarray.  Although this was a little uncomfortable for me and of course the studio it was more important to me to do what was true to me, this is self-love, this is following our path.

This move cost me money which is an upset but not the most important thing and I trust this is all happening for my and others higher goods.  Initially taking this job felt so right so I followed along with that feeling but something definitely shifted quite quickly and I felt it strongly right at that first conversation about teaching this hot, fast, don’t breathe, don’t stop, just move intensive exercise type class and suddenly it felt so right not to be there.  So like a few of my dear soul friends  bit or a rollercoaster start to 2016 but we know this is all happening for something so much bigger.  I’m happy, I’m at complete peace with it (which is such a wonderful feeling), I’m healthy, I’ve the love of my self, my family, my friends and God, my lovely Mam and all my beautiful angels and guides supporting me from the other side.  I am back in my deeply soulful home country and patiently excited to see what the universe has in store for me next (bearing in mind I’ve explained to the universe I’m staying put!)   I am truly grateful. 

Be true to you

Let your light shine on J

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